Podcast: Just for Funny with Annie LoueyJacqueline MifsudNov 22, 20181 min readMatt talks to Annie Louey and Jacqueline Mifsud about all things Edinburgh, building a new show, and testing your material for new audiences.Listen here!#Jff #MattHarveyStuff #Justforfunny #AnnieLouey #JacquelineMifsud #IgotBitByAMonkeyOnce #BeforeIForget #BeBetter #EdinburghFringe #MelbFringe #MICF #COmedyFestival #Comedy #Talk #Standup #Humour #Melbourne #Edinburgh #Tasmania #Fringeattheedge #PerthFringe #Perth #AdelaideFringe #Adelaide
Matt talks to Annie Louey and Jacqueline Mifsud about all things Edinburgh, building a new show, and testing your material for new audiences.Listen here!#Jff #MattHarveyStuff #Justforfunny #AnnieLouey #JacquelineMifsud #IgotBitByAMonkeyOnce #BeforeIForget #BeBetter #EdinburghFringe #MelbFringe #MICF #COmedyFestival #Comedy #Talk #Standup #Humour #Melbourne #Edinburgh #Tasmania #Fringeattheedge #PerthFringe #Perth #AdelaideFringe #Adelaide